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The reason that I screen is for my own safety and compatibility. I am sure you understand that this can be a dangerous world and I must implement measures to protect myself. It is important for me to know who you are so that we can have a wonderful time together. If you are not comfortable with this process, then I am not the right Provider for you.




Please be polite. I know this sounds like common sense, but it needs to be stressed. If you phone or email and use words like 'whore' or 'hooker', chances are 100% good that we'll have zero interest in meeting you.



Read my websites. I know it's time consuming, but I created it for a reason - to help you know more about me. Almost everything you could ever want to know about is on there, so it will save you asking questions we've answered in detail on my site already.



No means No - no matter what the question. Asking me to bend the rules we've set up for my own safety and comfort level is rude, intrusive and just plain offensive. Accept it, and move on.


Please shower before we meet, otherwise I have no issue with you using our shower :)

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